Sunday, January 03, 2010

Nahuei Huapi Park - Circuito Chico (video)

Just to give you a sense of the scenery in/around Bariloche in the Lake District.

So something somewhat funny. I'm standing here, checking out this scenery and there is this guy from Colombia. He has on yellow and black shoes, black jeans, a yellow and black striped shirt, a yellow and black checkered scarf, and a guessed it, black and yellow. He also has these tremendous oversized sunglasses. Think stylishly think grotesquely large. The lenses may have gone out past his ears (or maybe not). So I'm standing there taking this all in and he says "this is just like Aspen, right?" While I appreciate the attempt at "you me same same" I politely corrected him saying that I didn't believe Aspen looked like this. I guess he figured posh South American ski resort = posh North American ski resort. I'll give Aspen better skiing than Bariloche, but Bariloche has the scenery. Hands down.

1 comment:

Anna said...

he sounds like he looks like a beitar fan.