Monday, December 28, 2009

In the Jungle (sort of)

I landed in Argentina on Christmas Day, and I could almost have forgotten it was Christmas. I half expected the airport to be decked out in green/red, trees, santas, lights, and music...and I was pleasantly surprised there was none of that. There were a lot of MOTs on my flight. And in Iguazu. And in Buenos Aires.

I spent the weekend in Iguazu Falls. The two best parts of the trip were see the Devil's Throat falls, which were much wider and bigger than I had anticipated. Iguazu is certainly larger than Victoria Falls, but the latter is taller, and you can walk much closer to the falls themselves. I also went on a boat ride at the foot of some of the smaller falls. Also really cool. And soaking wet.

Here are some pictures of the Devil's Throat:

Iguazu is in a sub-tropical climate and had many unique birds, trees (you can see the difference when you fly in to the airport), and butterlies (crocadiles and other animals too). It's also located in the tri-border area, home to Foz Iguacu (Brazil), Iguazu Falls (Argentina), and Ciudad de la Este (Paraguay)...and Hizballah. Although I must admit I didn't see anything overtly Hizballah...but then again I didn't go to Paraguay.

Here are pictures of two Coates I saw in the park:
And here's a cool butterfly:

This first shot gives you an idea for the jungle/tropical aspect of the area along with some of the smaller falls. The second photo is a cool rainbow.


Jordan Salvit said...

Did you take pics of the falls and birds?

Where are you off to next?

Jordan Salvit said...

the pictures are magnificent, i bet it was amazing in real life!