Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Send me to Siberia I'm so damn hot!

I haven't yet learned the word for sweating profusely in russian, but i'm sure it has few vowels.

Moscow has been treating me well. My hosts, Yonchik and Masha, have been treating me very well and showing me around the city at night. Yesterday (Tuesday), I spent my morning walking around two neighborhoods, Arbat and Kropotkinskaya, checking out some of the architecture (ooh, and I found this adorable cafe in the back of a store that I now love). Then in the afternoon I took a guided tour of the Kremlin and the Armoury, where I saw more faberge eggs than i knew what to do with. Fortunately, all i had to do was stare. I need to do a fair write-up of Moscow, but now I've got to run out to dinner. So I'm going to put up a few pictures instead.

That would be me (sideways-sorry, low tech here) in front of St. Basil's in Red Square.

Me and my rubbery ice cream cone.

Yonatan and his soggy ice cream cone. actually, it was more like rubber. but the ice cream tasted good.

Ok, this has not done Moscow justice, I promise more. Full stories, pictures (turned the proper direction), commentary, and much much more. But for now, I leave you with this multiple choice question:

How do you know that Communism lost during the Cold War:
a) The Citibank/McDonald's/Coke Stands all opposite the Kremlin Walls
b) Louis Vitton and every other designer having a boutique in the shopping center* on Red Square
c) T-shirts for sale that say CCCP** or something else soviet and young entrepreneurs selling this stuff

* The shopping center used to be known as GUM and was notorious for having long lines, poor service, and little to offer. Sound like the Soviet Safeway on 17th and Corcoran?

** Don't think for a second that I didn't buy one. I did.

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